

主演:Ryan O'Malley Pancho  

导演:J.M. Burris 


更新:2024-02-12 06:02:43









假圣诞老人 假圣诞老人, 假装自己是圣诞老人的人物,常常会在圣诞节期间出现。但是有时候,这些假圣诞老人并非无辜而古板。让我们来看看一个假圣诞老人的故事。 It was a chilly December night, and the town square was bustling with holiday cheer. Families wandered from vendor to vendor, stuffing their faces with roasted chestnuts and frothy hot chocolate. Children clamored to sit on the lap of the town's resident Santa Claus to make their last-minute gift requests. But this year, things were a bit different. On the outskirts of the square, a shabby-looking Santa Claus slumped against a brick wall, holding a bottle of liquor in his gloved hand. His beard was askew and his once jolly expression was now replaced with a dull stare. 所以这个吓人的男人已经假扮成圣诞老人了。 As the night wore on, the man grew more belligerent, shouting obscenities at passersby and even attempting to accost a small child. It was at this point that the authorities were called and the man was dragged off to jail. The next day, it was discovered that the man was not a real Santa Claus at all, but rather a known criminal who had donned the red suit in an attempt to avoid being recognized. The town was shaken by the news and it was decided that all future Santas would undergo background checks before being allowed to spread holiday cheer. This incident serves as a reminder that not everyone who wears the suit is worthy of the title. It's important to exercise caution and to teach children to do the same. Let's hope that this town's experience can prevent future tragedies and preserve the magic of the holiday season for years to come. 书标签: 圣诞节、虚假、安全警示、信任